Rogue One Teaser Monday With Your Help

Happy New Year! Our staff just received an email from Lucasfilm asking us to share exciting news. If Star Wars fans go see The Force Awakens again over this holiday weekend and help set a new box office record, Disney has agreed to reward them in a huge way. More after the jump…

Disney’s honcho is excited for the new reality show “Dancing With The Rebels”

Ok, have your Fandango ticket-clicking finger ready? If fans help Episode VII cross Avatar’s $760 million domestic box office record by the end of Sunday January 3rd, Disney will release a teaser trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story! When? Monday, January 4th after the box office numbers are announced on the popular website Box Office Mojo.

Force crush those tree huggers!

Imagine that – the fans get to decide if we see the trailer sooner rather than waiting until the scheduled May 4th release date. This has been confirmed to us not to be the same micro teaser screened during Celebration earlier this year, it will include the first footage ever released from the first stand alone Star Wars film ever made.

We suggest IMAX 3D tickets or seeing the film with friends and family that wouldn’t normally go to the theatre in order to help shatter Avatar’s current crown. Lucasfilm’s memo also recommends convincing all of your friends to change New Year’s Day plans to watching The Force Awakens at your local multiplex instead or at the very least seeing it before you continue to your previously scheduled night out.

As of this morning Star Wars: The Force Awakens crossed $650 million mark, and by the time you read this article, it will have surpassed Jurassic World for the #3 spot at the domestic box office.  That means crushing James Cameron’s flying Blue Man Group is completely possible if we all chip in and do our part.

Rogue One's Death Star
I spy, taking up the entire sky…

Share this article to your Facebook and Twitter and let’s use the Force to get what we all want in 2016- our first look at Rogue One.  I don’t know about you but I want it January 4th and not May 4th.  I’ll buy extra tickets for friends I don’t have so as to do my part as a loyal fan, and help Disney earn the money they deserve!

*Mic Drop*

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